Saturday 26 May 2007

Job changes

As it is now official Ican make a post about a job change in the Staniforth household. I'm leaving my teaching job to work full time as the worship director at St Thomas' Crookes, starting in September. I am so excited about the chance to do something I've always wanted to doand felt called to and looking forward to the fun and challenges ahead. It's a real testament to how God knows the desires of your heart and in his timing can make them come to fruition. My school have been great about me leaving and my Head of Department was very excited for me, again defiantly a God thing. so a time of lots of changes and new starts in the next 4 months!!!

House, House, House

Well sorry its been far too long since we last posted - we have become addicted to face book!! Also life at moment has become very busy. Work on our new house has begun and for the last 2 weeks we've been stripping wallpaper and ripping up carpets. The builders are now in and making lots of mess - and the kitchen fitter has begun the new kitchen. It's all very exciting but very tiring. If we're not at the house then we're at B&Q etc look at tiles or kitchen sinks! As an aside i never relised how expensive taps were. £100 for a kitchen tap!!!! crazy!!!! I'll post a few pic's showing the work so far when i've downloaded the camera.
