Tuesday 24 April 2007


Well i've finaly got myself in gear and logged onto facebook. Please come and find me and ask me to be you friend. I'm still getting the hang of it so please bear with me!!!!

See ya


Sunday 15 April 2007

Becca & Adam Go To Cyprus

Well as we mentioned we managed to get a holiday to Cyprus booked eariler in the year, and God has great timing as it was definately need by us both after a very busy few months since Chrimbo.

I some how managed to be allowed to be away for Holy Week at Church which in itself was a miricle as i have been involved for the last 4 years!! So here are some of the real photos from the trip.

The View from our room

Adam swimming in the sea

At The Tomb of the Kings

Becca Waiting for Adam to finish taking photo's!!

Adam gets arty

Sun set by the pool - Adam is getting pretty good at these arty photo's maybe you'll see them in our new house!!

Thanks for looking

Becca XX

Friday 13 April 2007

Cyprus, sans beard

One of the conditions put upon me growing a beard is that i had to shave it off when went on holiday. So with much sadness in my heart and much joy in Becca's, i shaved it off and and did some facial hair experiments along the way.....

The beard - just like me dads!

'The Lemmy'

'The Morgan Spurlock'

'The John Lennon '67'

'The Hitlers 'Tache'

(however looks more like Captain Mainwaring from Dads Army !)

Will post with some other (less interesting) pics from holiday soon(ish).

