Saturday 3 November 2007

A long long time ago!!!!

Well after a summer of decorating and an autumn of starting new jobs we've finally got round to posting something onto the blog - How Rubbish are we!!!!

We moved into the new 'Staniforth Towers' on the 18th August after a very long summer of decorating. And now after 4 trips to Ikea and various other home ware stores we're nearly there. Below are some pictures of the new place looking alot better than when we bought it!! Adam has become dab hand at DIY although only if it goes easily - otherwise i have to step in before he looses his temper!!!

Then in September i started my new job - leaving teaching to work at St Toms Crookes as the worship director (along with other stuff I'm given). It's been a great few months I'm loving being part of the staff team and for all of you thinking 'What's it like working for your dad?' it's great - I've spent my life living with his little idiosyncrasies - so that gives me a head start!! I've been to Zurich and Budapest with the job taking part in serving at different conferences and most of all i don't have to be up at the crack of dawn!!!

Adam has also moved to a new section of the DWP and is in training at the moment for his new job- at the moment he's moaning because it's tiring but it's a huge improvement on what he was doing before! and he only has to be the from 9:30am to 3:30pm - what a slacker!

Otherwise life is a normal with the Staniforths - Adam still play the Xbox often and i still watch neighbours religiously!!

Hope you enjoy the pictures - when we've tidied up we'll film a small tour of the house!!

Lots of love

Becca xx

Monday 25 June 2007

Rain, Rain and more rain

Well today has been eventful in Sheffield - we've even made the national news which is unusual!!!!

It has rained constantly for about 24hours and we've had the wettest day ever in Sheffield!! So much for summer.

Below are a couple of Pictures showing the flooding this has caused in town.

This is down by the law courts and the Riverside pub

we usually drive down here to go to Meadowhall - past the big old steelworks

George & Fay's Wedding Pics

Photo's from George & Fay's Wedding

George & Fay - Mr & Mrs Jameson

The girls

Me & Him

Adam & Johnny - always with a pint!!

Small Group

Great Weekend

Hi everyone - sorry not posted for a while but life in Sheffield has been taken over by work on the new house.

Thankfully we had a weekend off the house this weekend and went to a wedding of two very good friends from small group (George & Fay) in Hereford.
A group of us from Sheffield travelled down and stayed over in a very nice B&B. The wedding was great - relaxed fun and beautiful. Alot of fun was had by all. Pictures to follow shortly.

Becca xx

Saturday 26 May 2007

Job changes

As it is now official Ican make a post about a job change in the Staniforth household. I'm leaving my teaching job to work full time as the worship director at St Thomas' Crookes, starting in September. I am so excited about the chance to do something I've always wanted to doand felt called to and looking forward to the fun and challenges ahead. It's a real testament to how God knows the desires of your heart and in his timing can make them come to fruition. My school have been great about me leaving and my Head of Department was very excited for me, again defiantly a God thing. so a time of lots of changes and new starts in the next 4 months!!!

House, House, House

Well sorry its been far too long since we last posted - we have become addicted to face book!! Also life at moment has become very busy. Work on our new house has begun and for the last 2 weeks we've been stripping wallpaper and ripping up carpets. The builders are now in and making lots of mess - and the kitchen fitter has begun the new kitchen. It's all very exciting but very tiring. If we're not at the house then we're at B&Q etc look at tiles or kitchen sinks! As an aside i never relised how expensive taps were. £100 for a kitchen tap!!!! crazy!!!! I'll post a few pic's showing the work so far when i've downloaded the camera.


Tuesday 24 April 2007


Well i've finaly got myself in gear and logged onto facebook. Please come and find me and ask me to be you friend. I'm still getting the hang of it so please bear with me!!!!

See ya


Sunday 15 April 2007

Becca & Adam Go To Cyprus

Well as we mentioned we managed to get a holiday to Cyprus booked eariler in the year, and God has great timing as it was definately need by us both after a very busy few months since Chrimbo.

I some how managed to be allowed to be away for Holy Week at Church which in itself was a miricle as i have been involved for the last 4 years!! So here are some of the real photos from the trip.

The View from our room

Adam swimming in the sea

At The Tomb of the Kings

Becca Waiting for Adam to finish taking photo's!!

Adam gets arty

Sun set by the pool - Adam is getting pretty good at these arty photo's maybe you'll see them in our new house!!

Thanks for looking

Becca XX

Friday 13 April 2007

Cyprus, sans beard

One of the conditions put upon me growing a beard is that i had to shave it off when went on holiday. So with much sadness in my heart and much joy in Becca's, i shaved it off and and did some facial hair experiments along the way.....

The beard - just like me dads!

'The Lemmy'

'The Morgan Spurlock'

'The John Lennon '67'

'The Hitlers 'Tache'

(however looks more like Captain Mainwaring from Dads Army !)

Will post with some other (less interesting) pics from holiday soon(ish).



Monday 26 March 2007

The Inspectors have been

Well sorry it's been soooo long since I posted. Life in Sheffield has been rather crazy over the last few weeks.
I lost last week to the mists of time as we had OFSTED inspectors in school. My weekend was spent marking books and planning lessons, making multiple copies of everything and genurally not have alot of fun!! (I know I like admin but this taking it too far!)

They came and went in 2 days and thankfully they didn't come to see me. Of this a was soooo thankful - praise the Lord! The school did OK and i'm just glad that it over now for another 3 years.

Life has just about returned to normal and i've caught up on my sleep. Thanksfull we booked holiday in Nov for next week so looking forward to sitting on the beach and reading for a week. I'm sure lots of Adam's holiday pic will appear after so be warned, he loves taking pics.

Will try and be better at this blogging thing and post more soon.

Love ya all

Becca xxxx

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Reality is an Illusion Caused by Lack of Alcohol

I've given up alcohol for lent. It's hell.

I'm growing a beard too! I look silly. It itches like buggery.

More proper news when something interesting happens.


"Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that." - Bill Shankly

Thursday 15 February 2007

New House and Ikea here we come!!

Well as i'm on 1/2 term at the moment i took a trip with Ma & Pa Woodhead to the mecca that is Ikea. Today i was very good only spending less than a tenner (which is very restrained for me) but i picked up lots of brochers. With our own house to decorate and furnish i can really go to town!! Adam has told me the kitchen is my choice so i'm already collecting ideas and pictures to create my plan!! Oh I love orgainsing stuff!

Unfortunately the snow only lasted a day and melted away very quickly :( and now we're back to the greyness of a northern winter!
Can't wait for the spring!

Love Becca xxx

25 years of mortgage slavery here we come

As you know we put an offer in on a house the other day and due to some hard bargaining by my good-self the offer was accepted! So we're just waiting for surveys and solicitors to get sorted. It needs a shed-load of work doing to it before we can move in but it's on a nice little road in Walkley (we'll give the address out when we've completed), within 5 minutes walk from about 6 pubs!

More importantly the mighty Sheffield United beat Spurs 2 - 1 at the weekend at 'Beautiful Downtown Bramall Lane', and i was lucky enough to be there. the win puts us 10 points clear of the relegation zone, which is great with only 12 or so games to go.


Friday 9 February 2007

Snowflake on the M25.......the end is nigh.

So, there was a few centimetres of snow in the South and the Midlands and the BBC would have you think that society as we know it has collapsed. Pathetic. You'd think we'd understand by now that in Europe there's quite a healthy chance that we'll have a bit of snow in Winter. I interviewed a couple of blokes from Poland yesterday and they couldn't believe how sad the British are when it snows. It's not as if we have as much snow as we used to 10-15 years ago, we we used to get 2 to 3 feet twice a year. How did we cope!?

Is this really the same country that conquered the world and had the greatest Empire in history? The same nation that was responsible for the 'miracle of Dunkirk'? The very race of people who gave the world - the internal combustion engine, penicillin, The Beatles and Cheddar cheese? What's happened to us, when did we become so pathetic?

.....end rant.

Adam - Prince of Eternia and Keeper if the Secrets of Castle Greyskull.

"He who casts the vote has no power, he who counts the vote has all the power", Stalin.

Thursday 8 February 2007

WInter is here!!!!

Well Winter has struck Sheffield - snow arrived today although not enough for me to get a day off school!! Very gutted!
But i'm glad the snow has arrived as i love it. It's the big kid in me, i even like having to slip down the road to get to school! Now the south of England and the Midlands have it worse and so obiviously that makes it headline news, typical.
Adam and i are looking to buy a house at the moment and seen one today which we really like so gonna go put an offer in - i think this may be most scary thing i've done as it's just so much money.We think this is could be the one so we'll see what God does. Should know by early next week.
Becca xxx

Wednesday 31 January 2007

I am not a scab

Well, i thought it was about time i did my first 'post' and seeing as I've got the day off work (we're on strike!) and I'm a bit board of playing Fifa 07 on the Xbox i thought I'd better say hello.

Well, there's not much to report from The Peoples Republic of South Yorkshire at the mo, apart from the fact that I'm on strike today, which is great. Although i was none too happy at ten-past seven this morning standing in the damp January Yorkshire weather manning the picket line, but as a committed socialist these things have to be done (you don't get me without a bit of lefty politics!). I think Becca's expecting me to tidy the house while I'm off but that's just not going to happen! I've done the 'big shop' at Tesco all by myself, any more than that and i could be accused of being 'proactive', which would be awful.



PS. above is a picture of me (and Tim Dawson) just in case you've forgotten what i look like! i was a but drunk at the time and believe the photo was taken just after Joe Cole scored that peach of a goal against Sweden in the world cup last year.

Friday 19 January 2007

First Post

Well we finally thought it was time got round to getting a blog. Although it may just be another place for Adam to have a rant so appologies in advance!! We'll try and keep it relatively up to date with life here in Sheffield!

Thanks for reading!